J. Marc Quattlebaum

The set consisted of a double sided unit. The Orphanage swung open to reveal the Warbucks Mansion.


The set consisted of a double sided unit. The Orphanage swung open to reveal the Warbucks Mansion.
Annie Jr.
Red Mountain Theatre,
Birmingham, Alabama 2022
Bradford Forehand, Director
J. Marc Quattlebaum, Scenic Design
Brad Cozby, Lighting Design
Emma Fox, Costume Design
Annie Jr. presented a variety of challenges. It needed to live on the set for Cinderella, so the stairwell needed to be converted to work in the Warbucks Mansion. This also meant that the floor could not be painted, and certain elements (like the trees) needed to remain in place. I was ultimately happy with what we were able to achieve given the constraints, and was asked back to design scenery for Matilda Jr.